Eventos Académicos

Presentaciones y pláticas

III Coloquio de Simulaciones Computacionales en Ciencias

August 11, 2020

Talk, Centro de Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, UNAM, Ensenada, México

Presented a talk titled “Double phase transition over modified lattice gas model” about the advances on the simulations and the modified lattice gas model that I worked on my bachelors. This was the last talk related to this workd, where I showed the hystheresis loops associated to the system.

XIV Escuela Mexicana de Física Estadística y Sistemas Complejos

November 07, 2019

Poster, Facultad de Ciencias, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM., Mexico City, México.

Presented a poster called “Intermediate rigid-flexible phase in a modified lattice gas model”, very similar to the one presented in the CNF. The poster received one of the three prizes by the jury.

LXII Congreso Nacional de Física

October 10, 2019

Poster, Centro de vinculación y enseñanza, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco., Villahermosa, México.

Presented a poster titled “Intermediate rigid-flexible phase in a modified lattice gas model”, which was continued work from my Bachelor’s thesis. New results included the stability of the transition with respect to the size of the system and larger macroscopic variable surfaces for different parameters.

XLVII Winter Meeting on Statistical Physics

January 11, 2019

Poster, Edificio Carolino, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla de Zaragoza, México.

Presented a poster titled “Intermediate Rigidity-floppy phase in modified lattice gas model” about the work I did for my bachelor’s thesis.


QOQI Group. Institute for Quantum Computing

June 01, 2018

, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON. Canadá

Worked for 12 weeks under the supervision of Kevin Resch on the Quantum Oprics and Quantum Information of the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo.

Department of Math and Computer Science

June 01, 2017

, University of Lethbridge, Letbridge, AB. Canada.

Worked during 12 weeks under the supervision of Jackie Rice in a research project oriented to reversible logic circuits, which are the classical analogous of quantum logic circuits.

Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute

December 01, 2016

, Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute, 3rd Floor, Sutardja Dai Hall. University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley, CA. EUA.

Worked for 7 weeks as intern in a project trying to appy SWITCH, a electrical-grid modelling program with a focus on developing investment strategies focused on renewable energies. The lab has headed by Daniel Kammen and I was under supervision of Sergio Castellanos.