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Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute
Worked for 7 weeks as intern in a project trying to appy SWITCH, a electrical-grid modelling program with a focus on developing investment strategies focused on renewable energies. The lab has headed by Daniel Kammen and I was under supervision of Sergio Castellanos.
Department of Math and Computer Science
Worked during 12 weeks under the supervision of Jackie Rice in a research project oriented to reversible logic circuits, which are the classical analogous of quantum logic circuits.
QOQI Group. Institute for Quantum Computing
Worked for 12 weeks under the supervision of Kevin Resch on the Quantum Oprics and Quantum Information of the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo.
Finite Element Simulation of a Wind Tunnel
Simulation of a wind tunnel that allowed an obstacle with complicated geometry.
Simple MNIST Classifier
Convolutional Neural Network for the image classificatio problem over the MNIST dataset
Interactive attention test
This a basic simulation that can be used to measure the attention capacity of a person. This was developed as a project for Prof. Alessio Franci.
Microscopic model for the intermediate phase
Simulating a double phase transition in Chalcogenide Glasses
Modeling high-penetration of clean energy in the electrical grid: A case for Mexico
Published in 2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC), 2021
Esto es parte del trabajo que realicé durante el invierno de 2017 en el Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute para la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Lo pueden consultar en este link
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Microscopic Model of Intermediate Phase in Flexible to Rigid Transition
Published in Frontiers in Physics, 2021
Producto del trabajo de mi tesis de licenciatura y unos meses más de investigación. Para obtener más información sobre el proyecto, vayan a su sitio
Pueden consultar el artículo en este link
Recommended citation: Aldo Pasos-Trejo, Atahualpa Kraemer, "Microscopic Model of Intermediate Phase in Flexible to Rigid Transition." Frontiers in Physics, 2021. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fphy.2020.619320
XLVII Winter Meeting on Statistical Physics
Presented a poster titled “Intermediate Rigidity-floppy phase in modified lattice gas model” about the work I did for my bachelor’s thesis.
LXII Congreso Nacional de Física
Presented a poster titled “Intermediate rigid-flexible phase in a modified lattice gas model”, which was continued work from my Bachelor’s thesis. New results included the stability of the transition with respect to the size of the system and larger macroscopic variable surfaces for different parameters.
XIV Escuela Mexicana de Física Estadística y Sistemas Complejos
Presented a poster called “Intermediate rigid-flexible phase in a modified lattice gas model”, very similar to the one presented in the CNF. The poster received one of the three prizes by the jury.
III Coloquio de Simulaciones Computacionales en Ciencias
Presented a talk titled “Double phase transition over modified lattice gas model” about the advances on the simulations and the modified lattice gas model that I worked on my bachelors. This was the last talk related to this workd, where I showed the hystheresis loops associated to the system.
Algoritmos Computacionales
Semestre 2020-2, , 2020
Grupo 3009, curso perteneciente al cuarto semestre de la licenciatura en Física Biomédica, con el ayudante David Leonardo Galicia Praskauer.
Física Computacional 2021-1
Semestre 2021-1, -, 2020
Grupo 8423, con el ayudante David Leonardo Galicia Praskauer y Crhistian Alejandro Benítez Abarca. Este curso se dará de manera completamente remota.